Fear of Heights

Use the power of Virtual Reality and the strengths of Volumetric Video to retrain your brain. Overcome fears and learn a new skills from the comfort of home. A user-led process in which each level increases in realism and challenges must be overcome. A calm world for pause without breaking immersion.    

5 Levels of Immersion

Level 1: Toony
Level 2: Stylized
Level 3: Illustrative
Level 4: Game Quality
Level 5: Photo Realism

Calm Worlds at a Click

Choose the scenery
Choose a soundscape
Pause the Fear anytime
Calm the mind
Start again when ready


Deferred Individualized Gradated Immersive Therapy

iDrive VR

A unique training application inspired by our D.I.G.I.T. process to immerse users in different environments with physics and in game controls that mimic real-time user input.  

Driving simulator for motorized wheelchairs to gradually teach and motivate users to operate a power chair using their own drive control in a safe and fun virtual environment. 

A tool for clinicians to better monitor their patients as they learn to use a power chair. Data and analytics are extracted for insight to usage and to maintain logs for professionals. 

3 Levels of Training